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Pastoral Care

Luckley House School enjoys a reputation for high standards of pastoral care.

girl studying

Pastoral Care

All pupils have daily contact with their Form Tutor, who takes a close interest in their academic and social welfare. Regular meetings with the Heads of Sections and Deputy Heads provide a forum for all staff to discuss the individual progress of each child.

Sixth Form students are also assigned to a Form Tutor who monitors their progress and gives them additional support necessary for the university application process and career choices. There is a specialist careers coordinator and library.

Communicating With Parents

Relationships with families are of uttermost importance and this is reflected in Luckley’s approach to communicating with parents. You will be welcomed into school to talk over any concerns which arise. We produce a weekly newsletter with an update from the Head and we use MY SCHOOL POST an email communication service, as well as MY SCHOOL PORTAL, where you can find a whole wealth of useful information about the School and your child.

vegetables on a plate

Life Skills Programme

A comprehensive programme embracing citizenship and careers, along with personal, social and health education (PSHE) is part of the core curriculum for Years 7 to 11. This is taught as a discrete subject and is delivered by the form tutors. Outside speakers regularly complement the work of the Luckley staff.

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Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is on the menu at Luckley. Our dedicated catering team provide nutritious, varied and tasty meals throughout the year. All pupils have school lunches which are included within the school fees. Vegetarian and vegan options are always available and special dietary requirements are easily catered for.

Boarders have an a-la carte menu, enabling them to select meals from several options.


Sample Menus
boy having his hair shaved

School Health Centre

We have a well-equipped Health Centre run by fully qualified Nurses. Appointments are organised for boarders through the Health Centre for the doctors, dentist, orthodontist, opticians and vaccinations. Medical insurance schemes are available on request.

All medication for boarders must be given to the medical staff, including any vitamin tablets or supplements. Medication for day students should be handed in to the School Office, labelled with name and full instructions. Students will be expected to report to the Office for their medication at the appropriate times.

Many of our staff have a First Aid qualification and all have access to a fully stocked first aid kit. A number have an advanced qualification (First Aid at Work).