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student in the woods


Head of History: Mr S Phillips, BA (Hons) York


History Teacher: Mrs V Stratton, BA (Hons) York

In Year 7 we focus on study units covering the Medieval and Early Modern Period.

In Year 8 we cover study units looking at Britain from the 16th to 19th centuries.

In Year 9 we focus on 20th century history with a detailed look at the causes of the First World War and then the experience and impact of the two World Wars.


student in the woods



GCSE History

The GCSE History course covers some exciting and important periods of history from the modern and early modern period. Students will study topics in depth and breadth and will develop key skills in evaluating evidence, making supported arguments and analytical thinking that will help them to be well equipped for A levels, further study and careers. There will be opportunities to learn outside of the classroom during the course of the GCSE

A Level History

The study of History helps us to understand the world around us and where it might be heading. History is extremely well regarded by universities as a preparation for higher level study, being classed as a facilitating subject by the Russell Group, equipping students with analytical and evaluative skills, and the ability to synthesize material from a wide range of sources. By the end of the course students will have developed an appreciation that the key skill of an historian is uncovering information, analysing it critically and then presenting the findings.