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Head of English: Miss D Bahbra, BA (Hons) Surrey, MSc Leicester


English Teacher: Mrs A Chick, BA (Hons) Hull
English Teacher: Mrs K Clutterbuck, BA (Hons) Royal Holloway
English Teacher: Mrs H Duxbury, MA Cambridge
English Teacher: Miss A Paul, BA (Hons) Manchester


English at KS3 works as a bridge between the Literacy skills and knowledge developed in primary schools and the Literature and Language knowledge necessary for GCSE study. Pupils follow the National Curriculum, but they are also given the opportunity to study skills in additional areas such as Media.

We aim to make learning fun in the junior years so that pupils develop a passion for Literature and a genuine enjoyment of writing. Pupils not only participate in lessons, but they are also given the opportunity to co-construct their own learning through giving guided presentations or leading group work. We consider ICT to be an important part of learning in today’s world, so although they may be studying classic Literature, pupils also use ICT in every module!

student using an ipad




English Literature

All students will study English Literature. This course allows students to experience a range of Literature drawn from contemporary and modern texts, texts from across the globe and texts which have had a significant influence on our English literary and cultural heritage. They will be given the chance to study a modern text, i.e. post-1945, from which point a discernible shift in culture is evident.  They will also learn to recognise that Literature has the power to cross cultures. The course takes a skills-based approach to the study of Literature, which will enable students to make original and individual responses to each element of assessment.

English Language

All students will study English Language. This course allows students to demonstrate their ability in functional English, to investigate and analyse language and to experiment and use language creatively. It offers a skills-based approach, which will enable them to make original and individual responses to each element of assessment. They will be given the opportunity to explore the way language works and to understand and appreciate the way writers and speakers adapt their language to suit their audience and purpose.

A Level

English Literature

Studying English Literature is both fun and useful. Students will have the opportunity to read and discuss some of the most famous and exciting books ever written as well as learning how to appreciate the craft of the writers who produced them. Wherever possible we make sure that all drama texts studied are experienced as live theatre.

The Luckley Literary Review

Sharing some of the wonderful creative writing we see on a regular basis in school.

Summer Term 2024

Summer Term 2023

Spring Term 2023

Autumn Term 2022